DBQ: Political Cartoons

Document A

Document B

Document C

Document D

Document E

"... With pleasure, but how?"
A Swiss view of President Nixon's problem in Vietnam. "Ami" is a German contraction of Americans.

Document F

  1. Describe what you see in Document A. Using historical background, give an interpretation of the political cartoon.
  2. Analyze Document B, who or what is the dragon and who is on the tiger. Why do you think the man is on the tiger?
  3. What do you think was the purpose for the United States to drop Document C over North Vietnam?
  4. Analyze Document D and think about current events where tax increase have been applied. Compare and contrast the situation during the Vietnam War with the situation of tax increase, you have chosen.
  5. Analyze Document F, what are your thoughts about the document. What decisions would you have taken of your soldier in the cartoon and explain your reasons? 
  6. Describe what is happening in Document E. Propose a solution that would answer the question in the cartoon.